
The e-grou workflow component integrates with the document and mail management capabilities to automate and standardize routing and approval processes. Users and e-grou administrators can easily define tasks and create workflows to automate document business processes, cut down on administrative costs and time, and improve overall efficiency and productivity. Tasks and workflows, organized in smart folders, provide detailed information about the progress of the assigned tasks and deliverables.

Ad-hoc workflows
You can use unstructured workflows when the routing or approval process is not yet defined and the document is sent to the next recipient based upon your choice.

Structured workflows
When the routing or approval process is standardized you are usually bound to use structured workflows. All the tasks, task sequence, and task participants are predefined. It is possible to have more than one workflow associated with a document type. When requesting for approval you may choose which workflow to use, among those available.

Task requests are sent to the participant(s) assigned to perform the task. You can associate documents to a task request, to support the decision making process of the person assigned to perform it. You may also request notifications and define deadlines to keep track of the task progress and deliverables. By monitoring tasks and processes, your company can measure resources and process efficiency.

Audit trail
E-grou provides for a complete audit trail of the mail routing and document approval processes. You may see the tasks that were performed; who performed them, and when; and the deliverables. At the end of an approval workflow the status of the document changes to Approved. Each approved revision is associated with the workflow used to approve it.