Searching for documents, using the wrong version of a document, recovering deleted documents, missing deadlines are common problems to most companies, costing much time and money.
If you are not satisfied with your answer to a few of the following questions you should consider starting using a Enterprise Content Management (ECM) to help you with your problems.
• Is there a complete audit trail for each document?
• Is the “wrong” version of a document often used by mistake?
• Is it known which documents can be scanned and destroyed?
• Are accurate mail records kept for each document?
• Are discussions and comments about a document retained?
• Do you use one central archive for emails, paper and electronic documents?
• Is the same document copied several times?
• Do you waste considerable time looking for documents?
• Can you know who is getting behind his tasks?
• Can you access content or work on tasks, while on the move?
• Can access to content be effectively controlled?
• Are documents getting deleted or lost unintentionally?
• Can lost or deleted documents be recovered?
• Is it safe to collaborate with external teams?
• Can people share and work safely on documents?